Project Amistad provides the following transportation and related transportation services below:


Mass transit is public transportation by intra-city, inter-city bus, rail, ferry, either publicly or privately owned, which provides general or special service transportation to the public on a regular and continuing basis. Project Amistad through its call center, will determine if mass transit is the appropriate mode of transportation that meets the client’s health care needs for the MTP eligible client. If a client lives within ¼ mile from a public fixed-route stop, Project Amistad will ensure clients are provided with mass transit tickets prior to the medical appointment.


(Please note change in mileage reimbursement below)
Download ITP Enrollment Application

Individual Transportation Participant (ITP) services are provided by individuals who volunteer to participate by entering into an agreement with Project Amistad. This service allows the flexibility for the client, family members, friends or others to provide transportation in a personal car to health care appointments. ITPs must maintain a current and valid driver’s license, vehicle insurance, vehicle inspection and vehicle registration during each ride. Project Amistad will reimburse ITPs for mileage at the current state employee rate as adopted by HHSC of 57.5 cents per mile effective January 01, 2020.

The client must enroll with Project Amistad prior to providing ITP services. Project Amistad will need:

  • A copy of your completed ITP Application
  • A copy of your current and valid Driver’s License (Physical address on Driver’s License must match the one the ITP Application.)
  • A copy of your current and valid auto insurance card
  • A copy of your Social Security card(The name on your driver’s license and social security card must be the same)
  • A copy of vehicle registration and inspection receipt Additional program standards apply for ITPs who provide transportation for MTP eligible clients other than themselves or their family members and are subject to: a criminal background check, insurance requirements, and standards for motor vehicles.
  • You will need to call Project Amistad at 1-877-633-8747 at minimum 2 business days in advance of the health care appointment to schedule your transportation. Any trips that are not scheduled in advance will not be paid.
  • When you call Project Amistad at 1-877-633-8747, the agent, once the call is complete, will provide you with a confirmation number for every scheduled trip. Please keep that number for your records and write it down on your Driver Claim Form.
  • Write the full address of the Medical Provider on the form. Documents missing ANY information will be returned to the ITP and delay reimbursement.
  • Make sure to get the Driver Claim Form signed by the health care provider at the Medical Facility, it is required for mileage reimbursement.
  • Pharmacy trips will be reimbursed with the submission of the receipt. Please send your pharmacy receipt(s) along with your Service Record. Write your Driver License Number on the top right corner of all documentation submitted to Project Amistad or your MTI Number. If you do not know your number you can contact Project Amistad.
  • All trips are verified with the health care provider.
  • The mileage reimbursement (payment) amount is based on a mileage calculation computed by Project Amistad using a nationally recognized system of the shortest distance of the trip and not the number of clients who are onboard of the vehicle at the time a service is provided. The ITP will be paid based on predetermined mileage.
  • All mileage reimbursement payments to ITPs are reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • The claim form must be submitted within 95 days from the date of the ride for mileage reimbursement.

Download ITP Service Record Claim Form


Download Meal and Lodging Extension Form

Meals and Lodging are provided for Medicaid children and CSHCN Program Services and their attendant when health care treatment requires an overnight stay outside county of residence or beyond adjacent counties. Project Amistad provides the client and attendant (regardless of age) an allowance of $25 per day per person.


Funds are authorized by Project Amistad in advance of travel and provided to the client or attendant to cover authorized transportation services e.g. gas money for travel to a medically necessary health care service, lodging/or meals. These funds are available to Medicaid eligible clients through age twenty (20); CSHCN clients twenty-one (21) and over who have been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.


Project Amistad will arrange transportation for MTP-eligible clients who need to travel to other adjoining states for medically necessary care or to receive health care services that cannot be provided within the State of Texas. Project Amistad provides transportation to contiguous counties or bordering counties in adjoining states (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico) that are within 50 miles of the Texas border, for MTP eligible clients.

Out-of-state nonemergency transportation services for clients require prior authorization(s) from HHSC. Project Amistad will refer the requests to the Medical Transportation Program when requesting out-of-state nonemergency medical transportation services for Medicaid Fee-for-Service clients. HHSC will communicate the outcome of the request to Project Amistad via the approved communication protocols. All requests must comply with Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Part 15, Subchapter B, Rule §380.205(2).


Download Attendant Services Form

Project Amistad will provide transportation for an attendant for a client when necessary. An attendant is an adult or service animal that accompanies a prior authorized MTP eligible client to provide necessary mobility, personal or language assistance to the client during the time transportation services are provided.

  • A client 14 years of age and under must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other authorized adult to accompany the client on all trips. A parent or guardian must complete the Parental Accompaniment Form in order to authorize another adult to ride with the minor.
  • Clients 15 to 17 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other authorized adult unless parent or legal guardian has provided a signed written consent for the client to travel alone or the treatment to which the minor is being transported is such that the law extends confidentiality to the minor for the treatment.
  • Other children who can travel without an adult are 1) teens who are parents, 2) children who have been emancipated by the court and 3) children that have a doctor visit that must be kept private.
  • Adults that require an attendant or service animal obtain the Attendant Services Form complete by their physician and submit to Amistad prior to their appointment.

Download Parental Accompaniment Form
Download Parental Consent Form


Project Amistad will arrange commercial airline transportation for MTP eligible clients and attendant to a covered health care service when it is the most cost effective option or when necessary to meet the client’s medical needs. Project Amistad will verify if the medical care or other health care services are prior authorized by the health care provider and medical necessity for air travel is documented.

Clients must provide Project Amistad a five (5) business days’ notice before the scheduled appointment date. In some instances, more time may be necessary to allow for the pre-authorization process to be completed. Project Amistad will choose a flight that reduces the number of transfers, travel time, departure and arrival times based on the medical needs of the client and attendant.

Download Statement of Medical Needs Form