Elderly male patients in hospital rooms, old disease person

Money Basics

Money Basics empowers Adults with Developmental Disabilities (DD/IDD) in institutional settings. Individuals who live in institutions such as the State Supported Living Centers (SSLCs), Nursing Homes, or Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF-DD) settings are guided to Understand, Learn and Lead.

  • Understand their rights
  • Learn about opportunities available in their communities
  • Lead or actively participate in their own Person-Centered Planning process

Interaction will increase understanding of rights, resources for support and communication skills (both verbal and nonverbal). Client outcomes will be used to:

  • Change local policy
  • Support person-centered planning
  • Provide recommendations to institutional settings for policy amendments

Long-term impacts on adults with DD/IDD can explore their options and communicate/act on their desire for personal growth.

The program supports the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities Disabilities (TCDD) State Plan Goal-increase the access that individuals with DD and families of individuals with DD have to information training and support to advocate for themselves and/or collaborate with allies to impact public policy, service systems, and community support.

Money Basics – Cents and Sensibility Program

This program assists in educating individuals with an Intellectual Developmental Disability (IDD)on the importance of money values based on their ideas and beliefs that matter to them. The program focuses on proven and valid web-based financial institutions such as Practical Money Skills and Financial Education Council to help customize lessons to best fit the clients’ needs and learning styles. This program focuses on the importance of credit scores, checking and savings accounts, having a monthly budget, and the difference between earned income and unearned income. The resource coach provides the client with activity worksheets to educate clients on financial independence, where a person should keep their money (bank, credit union, etc.) how to protect themselves from identity theft and finally understanding how to apply for and keep track of their student loans.

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