For Immediate Release
July 23, 2020
Amistad to Expand Health Related Services During Pandemic
Programs to Be Funded Through Texas Health and Human Services Commission Grant
El Paso, Texas – Amistad is excited to announce it has been selected to receive a grant in the amount of $102,364 from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to further assist the El Paso community with COVID-19 related challenges.
The grant is part of the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Aging and Disability Resource Center’s (ADRC) No Wrong Door (NWD) system, providing critical relief funds for the COVID-19 pandemic response. It will help fund the expansion of the Amistad Family Counseling program allowing the agency to serve a larger population. COVID-19 has increased the demand for mental health services, but it is not easily accessible to those who do not have medical insurance. Beginning in September, the Amistad Family Counseling Program will be offering free counseling services to persons without medical insurance.
In expanding the agency’s counseling services, the fund will also help build a stronger IT infrastructure to better serve the community remotely. Currently, the Veterans Mental Health Counseling program offers clients virtual sessions. Re-enforcing the IT infrastructure is essential to the expansion of the agency’s counseling services, as it will allow more people to have access to mental health services virtually.
“Our goal is to utilize this grant to help alleviate some of the challenges posed by this pandemic by reaching out to more people who may be suffering from depression or anxiety due to isolation or other circumstances,” said Celia R. Garcia, Chief Operating Officer of Social Service Programs. “This grant will provide us the opportunity to expand our programs and our capacity to serve more people.”
Additionally, Amistad will be able to re-establish the Care Transitions Program in an effort to reduce hospital readmissions and provide transitional support to patients leaving the hospital after a COVID-19 diagnosis. This program will focus on transitions from hospital-to-home or skilled nursing facility-to-home, after being treated for COVID-19 or other ailments. Under the Care Transition Program, experienced Resource Coaches will also connect patients to essential services such as meal distributions, in-home health services, physical therapy, among other services.
For more information on these programs, please call 915-298-7307, select Option 1 + Option 1 + Zip Code.
Media Contact:
Vianey Esparza
Community Relations Manager
O: 915.532.3406 | C: 915.205.2525
[email protected]
Project Amistad is a not-for-profit 501 c 3 agency providing services to elderly residents, persons with disabilities and adults-at-risk.