October is a big month for local nonprofits as we gear up for El Paso Giving Day! This day provides an opportunity to support nonprofits in our amazing El Paso community and contribute to a great cause.
Why support Amistad? During the past 18 months, Amistad has continued serving our community, shedding light on the importance of the essential services we provide to our clients. Throughout the pandemic, Amistad’s COVID-19 Response Team has been dedicated to providing transportation to presumed or positive COVID-19 clients to their medical appointments, to testing facilities, and vaccination sites. In addition, through CARES Act funding granted by the City of El Paso, Amistad has been able to provide utility assistance to El Paso residents who have been impacted by the pandemic.
Using Amistad resources, we have been able to adapt and pivot through the on-going pandemic, while providing existing services to our clients. All this has been possible through the hard work of all our employees and the support from our partners and our community. Help us continue our Vision andMission by supporting Amistad on El Paso Giving Day. Early Giving begins October 14!
October 10 is World Mental Health Day and it is an opportunity not only to create awareness, but also to help promote efforts that address mental health issues. The World Health Organization (WHO) offers resources and information on mental health and through their campaign, they encourage organizations to promote their efforts and initiatives to address mental health.
Promoting mental health is imperative to help break the stigma and have people reach out for help. At Amistad, we provide the resources necessary to help improve mental health in our community, especially among our veteran population. To better serve our clients, we have added a Licensed ProfessionalCounselor to our Amistad Counseling Center team. Meet Shelby Wilson, Veterans Counselor!

Shelby is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)who graduated from the New Mexico StateUniversity with a Bachelor of Psychology in 2015 and a Master of Clinical Mental Health Counseling in2017. She has 4 years of experience working with adults and families in various treatment settings including inpatient units, crisis centers, and private practice. Shelby specializes in working with veterans, military populations, and first responders.She has experience treating a wide range of clinical issues such as trauma, depression, anxiety, life transitions, career changes, unresolved grief, and adjustment issues.
Shelby has received training in various treatment modalities including cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing, trauma-focused CBT, and mindfulness. She is also trained in Brain spotting, a clinical trauma tool that locates points in the client’s visual field that help to access unprocessed trauma in the brain.
She believes in meeting the client where they are at and working in a collaborative way. Her mission is to help clients develop insights, strategies, and tools to use outside of session to accomplish their specific goals. Her work is focused on reclaiming client’s power and building strength, growth, and hope.
Shelby believes that healthy change starts from within and her role is to be a guide during the therapeutic process. With Shelby, clients will work on building self-empowerment, better self-care, and self-awareness. No matter what a client is going through there is always room to learn and grow from the past to make a better future. She brings a calm presence to the therapy room and her style has been described as compassionate, authentic, and thoughtful.
In her free time, Shelby enjoys spending time with her family and friends, enjoying the outdoors, watching movies, and cooking. She is dedicated to her own personal growth and has long-standing practices of strengths-based exercises and journaling.
In August, we bid farewell to our Chief Operating Officer of Transportation, Rosario Fernandez.Mrs. Fernandez served the agency for nearly 19 years, leaving a legacy at Amistad. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Corporate Management Team, and staff, we want to wish Mrs. Fernandez the best in her future endeavors and thank her for her commitment to the agency over the years!
According to the National Breast CancerFoundation, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. October is a time to increase awareness on breast cancer and to encourage women to get regular exams and do monthly self-exams. Early detection is essential to beating the disease.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also an opportunity to honor the memory of those who lost the battle against disease and also to celebrate the survivors. To show your support, you can wear pink clothing/pink ribbon, get informed and share information about breast cancer, or donate to a breast cancer organization of your choice.
Amistad continues taking applications for the AmistadCARES Utility Assistance Program. The program can provide up to 12 months of assistance to cover past-due water, gas, and electric bills.
Who qualifies?
Households with incomes no more than 80% of area median income (AMI)* meeting the following conditions:
One or more individuals in the household has:
- Qualified for unemployment benefits OR
- Has experienced a reduction in household income,
- Incurred significant costs,
- Experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the COVID-19 pandemic, AND
- Has received a past due utility notice
- Must reside within the City of El Paso limits
- Have an active and verifiable account with the utility company
- Must reside within the property for which the assistance is being requested
- Must NOT be receiving utility assistance from other sources
*AMI income limits depend on the number of persons in family. Based on El Paso, TX HUD Metro FMR Area:
How to Apply:
- Download the application online and fill out
- Call 915-298-7307 (select option 1 + option 1 + zip code) to schedule an appointment
Deadline extended through August 30.

With the recently rising cases ofCOVID-19 and the new Delta variant circulating, Amistad understands the importance of keeping our staff, clients, and community safe. Centro SanVicente and Amistad partnered to provide Moderna vaccines to our staff and community on August 11.
On September 8, Centro San Vicente will be administering vaccines at Amistad once again. The vaccination clinic is open to all members of the community who are 18 and older, and will be provided on a first-come, first serve basis.

Brewster County Judge, Eleazar R. Cano was the keynote speaker at the 2021 WTEP RegionalTransportation & Human Services Committee Conference. He spoke about the challenges faced by people in rural counties seeking health and social services in El Paso. Judge Cano graduated from St.Edwards University in Austin with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a master’s degree inEducation from Sul Ross State University in Alpine.
The goal of the conference was to complete the 2022 – 2026 West Texas El Paso (WTEP) RegionalTransportation Strategic Plan and approve the goals and objectives that will be implemented over the next five years. The plan is based upon an assessment of the needs of transit dependent populations with special emphasis on older adults, persons with disabilities, persons with low incomes, veterans, commuters, and children.
The WTEP Regional Transportation & Human Services Committee is made up of transportation and nonprofit agencies whose purpose is to improve coordination of transportation services within six WestTexas Counties: El Paso, Culberson, Hudspeth, Davis, Webster, and Presidio.
Women empowering women! Amistad CEO, Andrea Ramirez, had the opportunity to be a panelist at two great women conferences! The “¡Si Se Puede! National Chingona Conference” hosted by HerElement Network and the “Women in Business Conference” hosted by the El Paso Chamber.
Mrs. Ramirez spoke on how to be a confident woman by taking small steps to create the best version of yourself personally and professionally, as well as promoting awareness on mental health, the importance of women in the workforce and encouraged them to continue their career path.
¡Si Se Puede! National Chingona Conference
Women in Business Conference
The Housing Authority of the City of El Paso (HACEP) hosted a Lucha Libre night at the Blue Flame building, featuring Rayo vs. Cinta de Oro as the main event. Amistad drivers provided transportation forHACEP residents to and from the event, for a night of fun and entertainment. Residents of all ages, from children to the elderly, hopped on Amistad vehicles and headed downtown to enjoy live lucha libre and have their posters autographed by the wrestlers! Amistad is proud to serve the community in various capacities, including supporting our partners and their initiatives.
Women in Business Conference


Amistad participated in the Kelly Center for Hunger Relief Health Fair and shared information on services and resources for the community.
Amistad participated in the El Paso United Family Resiliency Center Community Healing Resource Fairin the Convention Center. The fair was a great resource for the community and provided attendees the opportunity to learn about different organizations in El Paso and the services and programs they have to offer.
Amistad Celebrations
Employee of the month

Richard Burgess


Congratulations to Sergio Lopez and Michelle Moss for 15 years of service to Amistad. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!